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Putting a Stop to Dropouts

Pele Yoetz

Updated: Mar 19, 2021

“We can put a stop on it!” At last week’s Pele Yoetz Chinuch Conference, Rabbanim and tutors from the groundbreaking Al Pi Darko project hailed its success as the premier early intervention learning program that has the power to, iy”H, prevent hundreds of kids from dropping out of the system and keep them safely ensconced in the Torah world. The Conference brought together Pele Yoetz Center directors, including Nasi Hagaon Harav Dovid Levy, shlit”a; project director Rabbi Avraham Vitman; the tutoring faculty; school principals; and esteemed chinuch personalities.

Sponsored by R’ Eli Schindler, Pele Yoetz’s Al Pi Darko Project introduces a comprehensive learning intervention and followup program into Yerushalayim chadarim with the goal of facilitating and advancing struggling students and, ultimately, preventing them from dropping out of the system in their adolescent years. Since the pilot program three years ago, the program has marked an outstanding success rate and garnered support from gedolei Yisrael, shlit”a, across the board.

הרב דוד לוי בכינוס על פי דרכו

According to program director Rabbi Avraham Vitman, Pele Yoetz has received umpteen requests to open Al Pi Darko programs in chadarim across Eretz Yisrael and around the world, as well, from London to the USA and Canada. “We have the obligation—and privilege—of creating and planning every aspect of this program down to its most minute details, so we can iy”H, reap the fruits of our labor,” said Vitman.

Pele Yoetz Center Director Rabbi Menachem Sheinberger delivered the opening words and welcome at the Conference. He compared the outmoded chinuch approach that neglected the discipline of unruly or struggling students to the current methodology, and praised the winning combination that characterizes contemporary chinuch: Involvement and responsibility of both parents and mechanchim.

Hagaon Harav Dovid Levy, shlit”a, Nasi of Pele Yoetz, expounded upon the concept of bechirah and every individual’s ability to choose success. He noted that Al Pi Darko offers talmidim wonderful opportunities to strive and reach success, and he commended the tireless efforts and devotion of the program’s tutors who exhibit outstanding commitment to their talmidim, and baruch Hashem, have been fortunate to see progress and achievements.

Several tutors then presented assorted situations, circumstances, and experiences from their work. Their descriptions offered the audience a glimpse of the numerous attainments and transformative changes that impacted many a formerly-struggling student, who with help and support from Al Pi Darko, was able to catch up with his peers and is now holding his own in the classroom.

Rabbi Gutman outlined Al Pi Darko’s strategy which begins with a comprehensive evaluation of a student’s academic and emotional abilities. Based on the results, Al Pi Darko creates a work plan and both the child’s parents and his designated tutor are coached regarding the necessary treatment plan, after which the child is paired with the tutor. At this stage, Al Pi Darko continues escorting the student, tracking his progress, and switching tutors if necessary. Each child’s progress is closely monitored using daily reports and monthly progress tests that culminate with a comprehensive summary at the end of the school year. The program has already facilitated dozens of talmidim, helping them cope with and/or overcome learning difficulties, which in turn, helps them overcome social and academic stresses and keeps them safely in the fold.

Rabbi Shimon Rechtshafer, associate director of Pele Yoetz Center, commended the project tutors and highlighted the remarkable efforts and devotion that they invest to facilitate each and every child, far above and beyond the call of duty. “Their efforts demonstrate their personal connection and investment in the project, and they will surely reap the fruits of their labor.”

Rabbi Kaufman, menahel of Talmud Torah Toldos Aharon then ascended to the podium and expressed his profound appreciation to R’ Eli Schindler for his noble efforts in hatzalas nefashos and guiding Yiddishe neshamos along the path of Torah and yiras Shamayim. He concluded with his heartfelt brachah to R’ Eli for hatzlachah and nachas in all his endeavors.

Quoting the words from the week’s parshah, R’ Eli Schindler, who initiated and spearheads Al Pi Darko, animatedly expressed that, with this project, “Yachol nuchal! We will prevail!” upon the tragic trend of children drifting from Yiddishkeit. He also expressed his appreciation to Al Pi Darko’s devoted faculty and concluded with a powerful declaration that despite the project’s myriad successes, their job is far from over, as “We will not surrender a single neshamah in Klal Yisrael!”

With R’ Eli’s authentic words ringing in their ears, the Conference concluded with the tutors’ unanimous pledge to continue striving to realize Al Pi Darko’s vision and preserve every neshamah in Klal Yisrael.


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