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Yeshivah Placement Department Working in High Gear in Preparation of the Elul Zman

Pele Yoetz

With Elul zman right around the corner, the work is piling up in Pele Yoetz’s Yeshivah Placement Department’s office. This year, many of the appeals and requests that we’ve received from parents and bachurim have revealed a new trend into the yeshivah world and the superior quality of bachurim entering yeshivos.


Whereas once, the Department’s primary efforts were devoted to helping bachurim who were not accepted into any yeshivah find a proper match; today, we are accepting calls from more and more outstanding bachurim who are debating between two or more yeshivos and trying to determine which yeshivah will best facilitate their spiritual growth and empower them to realize their full potential in Torah and yiras Shamayim. While Pele Yoetz’s Yeshivah Placement Department foremost goal is to ensure that every bachur has a yeshivah where he can learn and strive for excellence, we do not refuse requests from metzuyanim either and do our utmost to offer attention and guidance to each individual, escort him through the process of making this vital, life-altering decision, and offer support and encouragement throughout the beginning months of acclimating to yeshivah life.


“It is deeply satisfying to witness this change in trend and to see that we have the capacity to help bachurim on all levels find the yeshivah where they can achieve their potential in learning and yiras Shamayim,” expresses one of the devoted askanim in the Yeshivah Placement Department.


It should be noted that the new assistance that we’ve recently begun providing to bachurim does not in any way detract from the original efforts and goals of the Yeshiva Placement Department. The Department continues working round the clock, especially at this time of year, to ensure that every bachur has a yeshivah that’s right for him, a yeshivah where he can grow, strive and reach his maximal potential. In some cases, this requires creative solutions, yet our overarching goal is to ensure that every bachur finds his place.


The Department also wishes to emphasize that since we are but a few weeks away from the start of the new zman—which is truly the minute before the last minute—we are reaching out now to any bachur and parent of a bachur who has not yet been accepted into a yeshivah. 


Contact Pele Yoetz’s Yeshivah Placement Department now. Don’t wait for the last minute, and certainly don’t wait for the minute after the last minute, at which point it is much more challenging and, often, next to impossible to place a bachur in a suitable yeshivah. Often, a delay of even two or three days can make the difference in finding the optimal solution for a bachur.


“It is our tefillah and hope that the Shechinah will rest in our efforts, and that we will succeed at our sacred mission,” concludes the askan.


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