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Professional Conference for Pele Yoetz Staff

Pele Yoetz

Behind the wide range of activities spearheaded by Pele Yoetz, Israel’s premier center dealing with educational issues and emotional counseling within the charedi sector, are our dedicated representatives who are out there in the field providing solutions and service to thousands across the country, around the year.

As part of our perpetual efforts to expand and further develop the current system, Pele Yoetz representatives meet periodically with educational and mental health experts to increase our knowledge and resources and enhance the services that we grant to the public.

In the recent conference, the Pele Yoetz team met with Dr. Don Yosef Brand, a distinguished psychologist, who answered questions from the audience and offered eye-opening insights and information that our representatives can apply to benefit the public.

One of the points Brand emphasized was the use of therapy to reach the recesses of a client’s soul; identify his motives, distresses and dilemmas; and understand his world. This, he explained, opens the door to effective therapy that can remedy people’s issues and help them overcome distress.

Honorable mention was given to Pele Yoetz’s representatives, all of whom number among the charedi sector, and thus understand the sensitivity required to administer effective therapy. Pele Yoetz Center Nasi Hagaon Harav Dovid Levy shlit”a added how vital it is that all representatives are fluent in Yiddish and can relate to the culture, values and mentality of the charedi client—something that cannot be taken for granted or expected when the therapist comes from a world outside our own.

The conference ended with words of appreciation and reinforcement to the representatives. “When the job is carried out in good faith, then we are guaranteed siyata diShmaya in finding the right solution at the right time, and to support those who need our help effectively, with brachah and hatzlachah.”


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