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Pele Yoetz ‘Maavarim’ Program Reaps Success in the Framework of ‘Footsteps to Success’

Pele Yoetz

Pele Yoetz marks the successful launch of Maavarim, an educational project operating in the framework of Jerusalem Municipality’s Tzeadim L’hatzlachah (Footsteps to Success) campaign. Dozens of chadarim in Yerushalayim will now benefit from this wonderful initiative which encourages improving students’ classroom skills and raising their academic level and achievements in preparation for the transition to yeshivah ketanah. The project, which benefits from substantial municipal funding, is guided and closely monitored by Pele Yoetz’s professionally-trained mentors.

Throughout the last month, Pele Yoetz arranged a series of meetings with administrators of numerous chadarim in Yerushalayim with the collective goal of creating training courses and workshops, as well as providing one-on-one remedial instruction to students. Throughout the conferences, the administrators repeated their wonderful impressions of the program cosponsored by Pele Yoetz Center and the Jerusalem Municipality.

Pele Yoetz Center is delighted to note the blessed cooperation of dozens of Yerushalayim chadarim which have expressed their interest in its range of educational projects. Chinuch professionals unanimously agree that supporting children in the younger grades and helping them overcome academic struggles while guiding them to develop their emotional worlds and granting them essential life skills that empower them to cope with contemporary challenges while they are still young prevent serious challenges and pitfalls during adolescence and the transition into yeshivah.

In the framework of improving student academic achievement in the classroom, administrators from the chadarim are offered a range of options from Pele Yoetz’s Maavarim program which operates as a subsidiary of the Jerusalem Municipality’s Tzeadim L’hatzlachah (Footsteps to Success) campaign. Among these are parent educational workshops; professional development courses for teachers; life skills training for students; private tutoring and mentoring for struggling students.

The wealth of knowledge and options for therapy and counseling that Pele Yoetz Center brings to the educational field in the framework of Maavarim enables many to enrich and enhance traditional chinuch methods, all in the ways of Torah and our sacred mesorah.


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