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First Professional Mentors’ Course in Full-Swing

Pele Yoetz

Pele Yoetz’s Mentoring Course is underway and gaining positive feedback from mosdos Torah across the country. The present course, which is attended by several dozen avreichim, is the second in a series of courses currently being offered by Pele Yoetz Center in Yerushalayim to train avreichim as professional tutors and mentors for struggling children and adolescents.


The initiative to found a mentoring course is the brainchild of Pele Yoetz’s Nasi Hagaon Harav Dovid Levy shlit”a, and the rationale is clear:  When tutors benefit from intensive training and are supported by a team of professional educators, they can empower students to achieve exceptional results.


Spearheading this wonderful initiative is Rabbi Avraham Vitman, director of Pele Yoetz’s flagship project Al Pi Darko. Rabbi Vitman was asked to found a professional framework that would train avreichim and prime them to privately tutor and mentor struggling students. The training includes a broad spectrum of knowledge and tools that encompasses not only academic but also social-emotional aspects of child education.


Rabbi Vitman explains the fundamental goals, structure and benefits of Pele Yoetz’s Mentoring Course and why it is proving so effective in facilitating the academic and social-emotional advancement of children:


“Baruch Hashem, we’ve developed a very structured method for working with children and adolescents. I believe that what’s most remarkable about this course, which opens a window for adults seeking to enter the fields of education and therapy, is the fact that it melds the world of didactic teaching with the world of human emotion. The community of mentors and tutors that we’ve created include both individuals who specialize in classroom education and those involved in therapy and counseling. Here, we focus on both; and in order to ingrain this method in educators and train additional tutors who will be able to work effectively with all kinds of students, we’ve developed this unique course where we teach this method, its underlying concepts and practical applications.”


One of the fundamental elements of the method is a broad perspective. “Instead of dealing with isolated issues, we account for the whole child,” explains Vitman. “When we seek to help a child, we factor in social, emotional and academic performance, along with a range of other aspects. A child’s success is comprised of so many facets, so we ask: How is he managing in general? Does he have an attention disorder?  Is he thriving socially? Does he suffer from any neurological complexity or medical issue? What’s his family background? All these elements help us formulate a clear plan and provide a suitable response to the child’s needs that helps him acquire skills, advance and succeed.”


Pele Yoetz’s courses are geared to avreichim throughout Eretz Yisrael, and we are delighted to see many schools and yeshivos around the country specifically seeking to hire our course graduates and/or offer professional development courses to teach our method to their faculties. All content relayed in Pele Yoetz courses is al taharas hakodesh, founded on the timeless values of our holy mesorah.


The current course is attended by over forty avreichim, many of whom are already tutoring or teaching and exercising the course’s methods while in training. Any avreich who completes the course requirements successfully is able to join Pele Yoetz’s team. Attesting to the course’s outstanding success, one talented participant was already hired to serve as a menahel in a school in Yerushalayim!


Pele Yoetz is excited to share that it is already forming additional groups for future courses. Registration for the upcoming Mentoring Course is in full swing, and course developers are currently in the final stages of creating a new course for educational facilitators that will train individuals to support and guide educational faculties.


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