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Days of Teshuvah Are Coming…‏‏

Pele Yoetz

Q: Dear Rabbi Levy shlit”a,

Baruch Hashem, I’m zocheh to be a morah, and I wanted to ask what lesson I should leave my talmidos with as we approach summer vacation? On one hand, summer is time to unwind and have fun—go to camp, the beach, family trips, etc. On the other hand, we all know that Tammuz stands for “Zmanei teshuvah mimashmishim u’vaim—the time of teshuvah is coming soon.” What is the ideal message to leave my students with?

Hagaon Harav Dovid Levy shlit”a responds:

Since you didn’t mention your students’ ages, it is difficult for me to know which message would be age-appropriate. But as a teacher who’s been with her students for a full year, you can trust your intuition for your end-of-the-year message while davening that it will penetrate their hearts.

Still, it would behoove us all to reflect upon the essence of this axiom you mentioned and why our Torah leaders see it fit to remind us now—already in the month of Tammuz—about the upcoming Yomim Nora’im which are still two months away?

I want to mention that this saying is a recent, clever lesson conceived by contemporary baalei mussar and maggidim who wish to remind us of our spiritual responsibilities even during the carefree summer days. The knowledge that days of teshuvah are coming is a poignant reminder that we should never forget who we are and what we are supposed to be doing, because it won’t be long before we stand trial on Yom Hadin.

Notwithstanding, we do find that the authors of sefarim as far back as the Rokeach, Kol Bo and Shl”a write lengthily about teshuvah during the month of Tammuz, ascribing it to the fact that Moshe Rabbeinu ascended to Shamayim to atone for the cheit ha’egel during the month of Tammuz. If so, then this saying is more than just a catch-phrase or vort, but actually a lesson with deep roots.

What is the difference between the Aseres Ymei Teshuvah and this month off Tammuz in terms of teshuvah? Aren’t we meant to repent always?

Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim Ch. 603 states that during the Aseres Ymei Tehsuvah, even one who normally eats pas palter throughout the year should avoid eating it. What is the purpose in this halachah? Why should someone avoid eating something which he fully intends—and even acknowledges his intention—to continue eating pas palter on the day after Yom Kippur?

The Levush explains, “To ingrain in our hearts that we are separate from the gentiles with sanctity and purity, and so we do teshuvah.” Aseres Ymei Teshuvah is a special time to work on ourselves, to grow and ascend spiritually, and to distinguish ourselves from the simple life that we lead so we can sincerely repent for our sins. When we do this, we merit atonement on Yom Kippur.

The above applies to Aseres Ymei Teshuvah; but throughout the rest of the year, the teshuvah process works differently. Usually, teshuvah means incorporating ruchniyus and spiritual radiance into daily, regular life. It means enjoying the summer with its succulent fruit, glorious weather…and even frolicking on the beach—as long as it’s all carried out in the right way.

If we relate to summer vacation as a time of “Kovei Hashem yachalifu koach, those who trust in Hashem shall renew [their] strength,as opposed to a time to let go and break all boundaries; if alongside entertainment and recreation, we remain faithful to our principles and do not surrender even one iota of our ideals; if we daven regularly with a minyan and learn Torah b’kvius; if we are stringent with kashrus and tznius; then the vacation itself becomes a medium of teshuvah! It’s a time when we return our hearts to Hashem, recalling that Hashem is everywhere in the world!

Generally, I say that extremism is never the way for normal people in normal times, and surely, people should not stifle their needs and desires. If we look around, we can easily see that great people know how to appreciate even the smallest things; whereas smaller people are capable of appreciating only big things.

A true chassid notices and makes an effort to dispense even small “simple” acts of kindness, like giving someone a smile or offering a good word to lift his spirits, whereas simple people only appreciate major kindnesses like donating a kidney… While the latter is surely commendable, what people mostly need throughout their lives are those small, little-noticed actions and acts of kindness. And it is the constant repetition of actions like these that change a person in the long-term and impact his soul in a deep, essential way.

Wishing you a wonderful, meaningful summer!


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