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An Effective Response to Every Caller

Pele Yoetz

One of Pele Yoetz’s most prominent departments is its Professionals Department which absorbs questions and requests regarding all realms of education, emotional health and social development. It is here that they concentrate their key efforts and lineup of professionals to create effective solutions for every individual and issue.


Rabbi Yaakov Feldman, who’s been with the Professionals Department since its inception, offers us a brief portrayal of the Department and sheds light on the intensive activities taking place year-round in its office and beyond.


“I’ll start by saying that much of the work we do here is categorized as hatzalas nefashos, as it impacts people’s lives and futures, along with the entire family unit,” he begins before launching into a technical description of his Department which can be divided into two domains: Referrals and Therapy.


“Let’s start with stage one, which is referrals.  We receive dozens of calls and requests every week on a wide range of topics—every caller with his or her unique need or challenge. It can be a person calling for himself, a parent calling about a child, a Rosh Yeshivah or maggid shiur who is struggling with a student, and sometimes even a domestic issue. Pele Yoetz has a designated department for shalom bayis, but there are times when specific elements of a case will bring it to our department, as well.


“The age range under discussion usually varies from age 4 to 20. Yes, it may come as a surprise, but sometimes parents need educational guidance and support caring for very young children. Many callers prefer to remain anonymous, and we are happy to comply with this request.


“After we’ve compiled all relevant information, we submit a full report to Pele Yoetz’s Nasi, Hagaon Harav Dovid Levy shlit”a, who devotes hours every day to personally reviewing every case together with me in great detail. If there are any missing details, we make sure to supplement them so he can make an informed decision and recommendation. With his discerning eye and decades of experience, and most importantly, with the immense siyata diShmaya that escorts his endeavors, Rav Dovid determines exactly where to refer each caller.


“Referrals range from physicians to psychologists to psychotherapists, to educational and reading specialists, and even to speech therapists or OTs—it all depends on the specific case.”


Proceeding to Stage Two, Rabbi Feldman notes that all professionals whose services Pele Yoetz endorse have undergone a thorough personal and professional screening before “making it to Pele Yoetz’s list.” In order to number among the professionals that Pele Yoetz recommends, the therapist must apply to the association’s office, fill out and submit a detailed form regarding his or her training and certification, services provided and therapy methods. The office faculty then researches the therapist’s personal and professional background and confirms that he or she meets Pele Yoetz’s standards. “Obviously, it’s a big job, but a necessary one and well worth the effort,” he adds.


Even after a referral has been made, the Professional’s Department’s job is far from over.  Workers closely monitor the therapy process, keeping in touch with both the client and therapist to ensure that they’re on the right track and following through until the very end.


“Sometimes, it’s a matter of weeks or months, and sometimes, these processes can stretch for years,” explains Rabbi Feldman. “We’re on top of every case, no matter how long it takes. We can be touch with the client, the therapist, the one who initiated the process; and sometimes all of the above. There are times when a therapist will keep a client in therapy for two or three years, and when this happens, we investigate the situation closely to see if it’s warranted or not.”


A vital aspect of the monitoring process is maintaining contact with the client to ensure that he is implementing the recommended therapies. These occasional calls “just to check in” ascertain that the client is coping effectively with his issues and, at times when the latter might be inclined to slack off, motivates consistency and ensures that he doesn’t give up before the issue has been resolved.


When we ask Rabbi Feldman to share facts and figures, like how many incoming calls per day, he astounds us with the number. “It ranges, but there are tekufos when we absorb twelve new requests a day that all need to be dealt with urgently, while keeping in touch and monitoring current cases.”


Rav Dovid is apprised of every request. He assumes responsibility for each individual and personally monitors every case to ensure that Pele Yoetz’s clients are benefiting from the help and support that they need to succeed.


“There’s always something happening here. There are always new situations and cases that need to be handled urgently. But with determination, passion and commitment coupled with the brachah of our Gedolim and boundless siyata diShmaya, we’re zocheh  to be the shlichim who bring help and yeshuos to many Yidden.”


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