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All Pele Yoetz Departments and faculty members work on a volunteer basis and do not receive any compensation from the thousands of families who benefit from our services.

We are constantly looking toward the future, seeking to expand our services and the help that we avail to our fellow Yidden in the realms of chinuch and shalom bayis.

We need you! In order to perpetuate our endeavors on behalf of the Klal and continue offering and increasing the professional evaluations and counseling to the thousands who appeal to us for assistance, we need your help! Please partner with us and join the success! With your generosity, we can continue helping our brothers and sisters, sons and daughters in distress and save more neshamos in Klal Yisrael!

Take the Pele Yoetz Challenge and join Al Pi Darko’s Adopt-A-Talmid Project! The operational costs of Al Pi Darko are enormous, compelling us to train tutors and mentors, pair them with struggling students for an extended period of time, and monitor their progress until both tutor and talmid are confident in the talmid’s ability to branch out successfully on his own.

With your help and commitment, you can save a child’s spiritual future and thus garner the merits of his learning, mitzvos and maasim tovim! You never know…this very child may, one day, develop into a gadol hador!

This child

could be yours!

60 NIS

300 NIS

1,200 NIS

Pele Yoetz welcomes every contribution. Please click here to donate the sum of your choice

One hour of tutoring

Adopt a child for 1 week

Adopt a child for 1 month

סטריפרקע תלמיד וחונך לומדים.png

Adopt a Talmid

How do I adopt a talmid?

Bank transfer

Notzer Chesed 5109 18th Avenue Brooklyn,

NY 11204  11-3049033

Chase Bank Account Name: Notzer Chesed

Account number: 042082639665

ABA #: 021000021 Reference: Pele Yoetz

All donations are tax deductible in Israel and the USA


At Pele Yoetz, we’re constantly engaged in hatzalas nefashos, sparing no effort to prevent the spiritual degeneration of our precious youth. Over the years, we’ve placed hundreds of bachurim in appropriate yeshivos, trained tutors and paired them with struggling talmidim to help them overcome their academic and social challenges and prime them for success in life. Simultaneously, we’ve restored peace to dozens of homes, helping couples rebuild their shattered lives and infuse harmony into their marriages. We’re constantly sponsoring lectures and workshops for couples, parents and chinuch professionals, working to build open lines of communication between the parties and thus contributing directly to children’s success in home, school and yeshivah.

Every milestone reached by a child, every step taken by a couple to restore peace to their home, every brachah and word of encouragement by Gedolei Yisrael is another source of inspiration and nachas that motivates us to continue striving and increasing our efforts at Pele Yoetz to promote positive chinuch and bring peace and harmony to homes in Klal YIsrael.

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